Northwest 3on3 Basketball

About Northwest 3 on 3 Basketball

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for players to play the game they love in a fun, stress free environment, where they can learn, develop, and enjoy the game.


Our Divisions Include a Lil Dribblers League.  Boys and Girls K-2nd Grade and Play on 8ft Baskets and

Boys and Girls 3rd – 8th Grade.


Why we got started

A lot of input from college, high school and youth coaches went into for the formation of Northwest 3 on 3 Basketball.   Meeting after meeting, what we kept coming back to was that a lot of the fun had been removed from youth basketball.  You have traveling teams, high level school teams and others where the focus is on winning.  Playing time and development are secondary and half the team is really not getting the opportunity as the other half.  This can happen a lot in 5 on 5 basketball unfortunately and we have set out to change that.

We began to research the massive benefits of 3 on 3 basketball for players.  Especially younger, more inexperienced players.  What we found blew our socks off. Just the number of touches and opportunities increase an incredible amount.  The shots taken, pass(es) made, possessions all increased per player so much.  Most of all, it was FUN!

We started hosting some 3 on 3 tournaments and went and watched other summer 3 on 3 competitions.  We discovered we had to make a push to make this opportunity more than just a couple summer tournaments.  That’s what got us to start this league.

3 on 3 basketball is fun, beneficial, and great for youth players.  Plus, parents love it!  They get to watch their kid play more minutes, touch the ball more, get shots up, step up on defense and have a great time doing it.

The growth of 3 on 3 Basketball

3 on 3 basketball has been on a tremendous upward swing.  What started as a summer activity in tournaments, or kids in the driveway has now developed into an Olympic Sport and there is even a professional league known as BIG3.  It has really taken off and becoming a staple in the basketball world

Our mission is to continue to grow this great way of playing basketball.  We want to create more opportunities for kids to play 3 on 3 basketball near their homes, with friends and with family enjoying every moment.

What does a Northwest 3 on 3 Basketball League Look Like.


Boys and Girls 3rd to 8th grade.



Teams play two  20 minute games per week.

League season is 4 weeks


Schedule Requests Accepted 

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